Causes Of Low Tyre Pressure And Its Solutions

Driving with a low-pressure tyre is highly discouraged because it causes a blowout and anyone who has suffered a blowout knows how traumatic it can be. Even after taking all safety measures, the low-pressure tyre is standard, and the worst is it has no definite period. So, while driving or stuck with a low-pressure tyre, call for tyre fitting Wincanton services as they are the perfect tool for your unenviable guest; the low tyre pressure. Thus, let's understand the reasons behind and their solutions behind the low-pressure tyres 1. Puncture One of the apparent reasons for a low-pressure tyre is a puncture, and two types can cause it. First is the slow leaking of the air from the tyres while standing at your parking. The second is a sudden blowout when the tyre hits the nail, glass, or any other sharp objects embedded into the tyre. Solution: if the puncture is due to a nail, try removing it yourself and inflating it again. However, if the pin is deeply em...