Things You Should Know About Buying Used Tyres

 Tyres of your car need to be replaced regularly if you drive your car every day. And they can cost quite a much especially if you need to change all four! This is why people are always searching for competitive tyre pricing in Trowbridge when they are planning to buy new tyres. One of the ways you can get a good deal when buying tyres is if you buy used tyres. Now, most car owners especially first-time car owners fear using used car tyres and some of their concerns are quite justified. If you are one such owner, then here are some important facts regarding buying used tyres.

Let’s start with the legal aspect of buying used tyres. As per the law, it is perfectly legal to buy and sell used tyres in the UK as long as they follow the standards as specified in the Motor Vehicles (Safety) Regulation 1994 (reg. 7.). |As per the regulation, the use tired being sold should have:

  • Should not have any large bulges, lumps, or cuts either externally or internally. Also, there should not be any visible piles or cords. In a word, the tire should be structurally sound.
  • The original grooves of the tires should be visible and the presence of it should be consistent across the tire. At any given point the minimum depth should be 2 mm.
  • The used tire should be able to pass the inflation test.
  • The label “ part-worn” should be visible on the side of the tire. “E” marking on a tyre means that it is a used tire. 

These regulations make sure that when a consumer buys a used tire the minimum safety requirement is maintained, and the consumer can make an informed choice. Sadly, many unscrupulous used tire dealers often don't follow this regulation leading to gullible buyers buying tires that are not safe to go on the road.

Hence if you decide to buy second-hand tyres, you should personally check the tyre before putting it on your car. Be very thorough when you inspect the tyre for any cut bulge or lump both inside and outside the tyre. Pay very good attention to the tire tread depth and it should not be below 3 mm. Lastly, be present when these used tires are being fitted into your car to make sure that the tires that you personally checked is being fitted to your car and not otherwise.

So, what are the top tips when buying used tires?

Buy it only from a reputed seller. Don't fall for the most competitive tyre pricing in Trowbridge that you get; the reputation of a seller is very important when it comes to buying used tires.

  • Choose used tires from reputed brands.
  • Check the tyre and the tubing for damages.
  • By the tires in pairs so that they fit perfectly in the axle of your car.

In the end, it will be your perspective that will decide whether you want a used tyre in your car or not. Whatever is your reason, hope the guidelines in the blog help you make an informed decision.


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