Which Factor Defines How Long Will Your Tyre Work?

 That is true; there is no specific time when your tyres should be replaced. The lifespan and mileage of a tyre are affected by a variety of factors, including driving style, weather, car design, road conditions, and, most importantly, the care you give the vehicle. There are so many circumstances that define your tyre’s life. Here, we have mentioned some of them.

tyre fitting in Wincanton

Let's read them out carefully:

Swap your tyres around

Verify if the rate of tyre wear is the same on all of them. To keep your tyres wearing evenly, rotate your spare tyre regularly so that the front tyres are on the back of the car and vice versa. Every service or every 10,000 kilometres, you should carry out this task. Because of the way you steer, your front tyres will wear out faster; thus, rotating them frequently will help spread out the wear.

Protect your tyre from direct sunlight

If you want your tyre to last a long time, you must protect it from direct sunlight. You have to minimise the damaging effects of UV rays on the rubber. So if you don’t have any indoor space to park your car, try to park it in a shady area.

Driving habits

This one sits firmly within your control; the driving style of the driver always matters and impacts the tyres. There are lots of things that matter while you are driving. Do you leave work late? Do you make sharp turns while the elastic is screaming? When you take off, do you spin the wheels? Also, if you drive more aggressively than defensively, you will have to replace your tyres more frequently than necessary.


Tyre pressure always matters primarily for safety and tread wear. An overinflated tyre becomes inflexible and stiff, which causes it to sustain greater damage when driven over uneven terrain, including curbs, potholes, and crumbly edges.

Underinflated tyres wear out faster because there is more rubber in contact with the road, particularly on the shoulders and edges. Always pay attention to the pressure in your tyres, and be sure to quickly check them at the service station sometimes. In the owner's handbook or on the driver's door, you can find the proper pressing force for your tyres.


These are some factors that affect the tyre's life, so if you own the vehicle, you need to consider lots of things because the tyre is a crucial part of the vehicle and is responsible for safe driving. Whether you are looking for a mobile tyre fitting in Wincanton or a mobile tyre fitting in Yeovil, you can connect with us. We have an experienced team to offer the best services and satisfy our clients' needs.


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